Expect to experience love in your life today. Do not box love in and only anticipate it in one particular way but expand your imagination and expect to experience love today in a new way. Help tune your perception toward love by offering it as often as you can. Present it in a kind word, a smile or an act of kindness. Expect to experience love today.
Tag Archive for love
Move forward…

Push your fear aside and move forward. You got this! You can handle what is before you because of what is in you. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7). You Got this!
True Love…

God is the creator and source of all that is true love. True love is unconditional, unmerited, and unlimited. We can’t buy it, earn it, demand it. It is a pure gift, freely given, and freely received. True love considers the best interests of the other and does what is loving. When we say, “I love you” do we mean it?