Depending on how you respond Adversity in life can strengthen you. One path to allowing adversity to work for your good is to choose to walk in Truth. Truth as oppose to fear, silence, doubt, anger, etc. Choose to embrace Truth and with it grace and mercy and every adversity becomes a stepping stone. The truth sets you free to walk all over your adversities.
Tag Archive for fear
Move forward…
Push your fear aside and move forward. You got this! You can handle what is before you because of what is in you. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7). You Got this!
We can spend a lot of time in sorrow in our lives over what we fear. Our fears can disturb our peace and limit our possibilities. Even if you cannot conquer your fear in one act name what your life looks like absent that fear. Speak into your consciousness life without that particular fear, as you imagine being free of it you have begun to defeat it.
Envy, fear, guilt, jealousy, resentment and shame are heavy emotions to carry. Take the limits off of your forgiveness; meaning your forgiving of others and yourself and release toxic emotions that weigh you down. You were born to fly and sometimes hurtful events in our lives interrupt our flight. Take back your wings and let forgiveness elevate you.