
We understand that we all have room for improvement. So even while you work on you, feel absolutely fabulous about yourself. Never only focus on your areas of growth and always celebrate your strengths. So say it out loud in front of a mirror ” I am “fearfully and wonderfully made in then image of God. I am fierce and I know it!”

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Living Forward…

Living forward with optimism and faith is not always easy. We have hurts and disappointments from our past that can cause us to be afraid to trust, love and hope for good things. Pray your way through releasing hurts from your past so you can experience peace in your present and be open to great possibilities in your future.

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Advocates offer support and empower truth and integrity to reign. Irritants inflate the importance of minor things and foster lies. Just because someone is loud it does not make them right. Don’t mistake one for the other and be mindful to what you lend your voice.

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Don’t Worry…

If you asked God to work it out then why are you worrying about it?

Luke 12 “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?”

Don’t worry, it undermines your faith.

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Check what or who you are leaning on? Proverbs 3 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge God, and God shall direct your paths.”

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I don’t know the origin of the expression, “My word is my bond” but I have heard it often. The meaning is simply my words are true. Think about commitments you have made with your words did they turn out to be true? Do you do what you say you will do? Do you keep your promises? If your word is your bond, and you don’t keep your word, your bond is worthless.

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Speaking aloud and hearing your hopes stirs up your faith. So Speak into the atmosphere the desires of your soul. Speak into the atmosphere your goals. With frequency speak into the atmosphere what you are believing God to help you manifest in your life.

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Stop and Drop…

We know that avoiding problems will never solve them. Sometimes our first reaction to a problem is to run away. Get as far away as possible, unfortunately that also gets us far away from the solution. Turn your running energy into a prayer, stop and drop to your knees don’t run.

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LISTEN! Listen to God at every point in any process you are in and be obedient. LISTEN! Be quiet, be still so you can perceive God’s direction to you, period. Listen and then be obedient. Let’s just keep it simple you gotta listen! Any questions?

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Limits Off…

Don’t limit your prayers to what you are comfortable with. Rather be open to what you do not know – a new thing, a new direction, a new you, or a journey you never would have chosen for yourself. Take the limits off of your life.

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